A few 'normal' pictures from everyday life around here
This picture is sort of an update, this is a picture of those 'web-ball' caterpillars. It's actually called the Fall Webworm, and the web-balls is a cocoon for what becomes a white moth, and they tend to nest in pecan trees, among others, and are, mostly, not dangerous, according to the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center at https://www.lsuagcenter.com/en/our_offices/research_stations/Pecan/Features/Pecan_FAQs/index_seriespage-18.htm
This is a picture of a couple of our 'house-cats' in our screen room, where we put up a few shelves, for them to climb around on, still inside, technically, while also still sort of being outside.
Saw at least 4 of these girls out in the yard today, the Red Eared Slider, a fairly common turtle that is quite often kept as pets.
The family across the way has at least 2 horses, as well as their neighbor has at least 2 horses, and also a couple dozen cows.
Sorry for the quality of this Egret, I will definitely do better, this one was done at 32x magnification, so, he was pretty far away.
And here is my favorite one, I call it 'To the Setting Sun' Even though it was taken at around 8-9 this morning, haha.
I love the egret. They are all great!
ReplyDeleteWe get some type of web worm too. Usually in our Crabapple tree. It doesn't kill the tree, but the worms can defoliate large sections of branches.
ReplyDeleteHow about some pics of the house?
Your mom hasn't posted many of those. And from the few I've seen, it looks like a nice old house.
It is a pretty nice, and pretty old, house, haha, sure, I can probably get some up, sometime later today probably