Monday, June 20, 2016

Oh, raspberries!

 Got you, these are actually of a lizard, a Broadhead Skink, specifically.  Pretty big one that hangs around my trailer.  Here it is sitting on a normal sized pallet, you can see a little of how big it is.   It's been around me long enough that it doesn't even worry about me anymore, I've stepped less than a foot from it, and it won't even budge, just hangs around, eats bugs, lives the life of a broadhead skink.

But I do have a couple pictures of some wild raspberries growing on one of our in-yard fences, I wouldn't try eating them, personally, but they add a nice little bit of color to the yard, I think.  It looks to be just one vine for now, but given some time, who knows how big it might grow.
  I am planning on trying to post more regularly, going to try for everyday from now on, even if it's just some photo's from around the yard or in the nearby Alexandria/LeCompte.


  1. That looks like a fat, happy, skink. Very good pictures!

    1. Yeah, it certainly seems to be doing well, and thanks.
