Saturday, July 16, 2016

Egrets and Red Rivers

So, the egrets are back again, they love to come around, especially when we're mowing, since all the bugs are riled up from the mowers.  They're not terribly afraid of them either, since they've been around them so long, I guess,  they will get right next to them and run along with them, or follow right behind them, with no worries.
 I don't really know what these are, the smaller seeds/fruits/nuts look kind of like the Elderberry plants, but the plant itself is more tree-like than the Elderberry, but it's pretty prominent in one small area near one of our fences.

My next two photo's aren't from around the yard, but from out in the nearby city of Alexandria.      
This was a photo of the sun setting over a nearby medical center, and I thought made for a pretty good photo.

This river is known as the Red River, it is, in my opinion, a rather large river that runs right through Alexandria, or, technically in between it and the neighbor city of Pineville, which is right on the otherside of the river.     During another time of year the Red River is the sight of quite a few different festivities, one of them being the Alexandria River Fete, usually during March I believe it is.

I plan to start taking more photo's from out in town also, to add to photo's from the farmyard, so if you like the 'in town' photo's, please let me know, although the next ones will probably be from different places.


  1. I like them all. If you take that same picture of the Red River in the daytime, then people will see how it got its name.
    Very good photos again!

    1. It could be an interesting side by side, I'll try it

  2. I stumped on the plant. When you find out, please.let us know.

    Your photos are great. We don't have Egrets that I've seen here but the Blue Herons stay after our fish and frogs. Somehow I don't think Heron would taste as good as fish.

    Have a great weekend. I look forward to seeing your photos.

    1. I will keep you informed when I do find out.

      Thanks, I will, I hope you have a good one as well.
