Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Just a few from the yard

The apple trees we have in our little orchard in the back are doing well, but seems to be a bunch of bugs that think so too, but that's ok, at least for now.
 These are some elderberries growing out near one of our pecan trees, I would say they're doing well too, but I don't really know much about Elderberry's, so I don't know.  I will be watching this set for a while, so maybe I will figure out how they turn out.

 This here toad is one of a few that lives in our Cow Bowl, which is really just a big bowl now, since we have no cows.  The primary difference between Frogs and Toads is that with Toads their skin tends to be dry, where Frogs tend to have wet and slimy skin.
I think this is my favorite one, although the photo may look big, this dragon fly was actually really small, but I think it came out great.  Depending on size, Dragonflies can reach speeds of around 20-25 miles/h, and some of the largest fossilized ones have been found with wingspans over 70 centimeters, or more than 2 feet.  That would be a huge dragonfly.

Thank you very much for stopping by once again and I hope you do again.


  1. That toad photo is amazing. Looks like he wants to know what you are doing! And I do like the dragonfly. Amazing that those fragile wings can do anything!

    1. He did, he was looking right at me the whole time over the lip like he is.

  2. Elderberries make great wine and jelly. If you strain the seeds out of the cooked juice you can make jelly. I really don't like messing with the seed. Some of the best homemade wine I ever had was elderberry. Give them a try when they get dark and see what you think.

    The bugs have to eat too, just cut away the bitten spots and the apples will be good.

    Are you a jelly or wine maker?

    Your pictures are fantastic!

    1. Thank you, I don't really mind the bugs on the apples, mostly what I meant is that we don't 'need' the apples for our own subsistence, so it's ok that the bugs like them too.

      I have never made jelly or wine before, but we do have a couple farmers markets in the area, so maybe I should think about trying it :P.

    2. With pectin jelly making is so easy! Takes lots of sugar but as you get the knack you can change the amounts.

      Dad had a beer and wine recipe book. Basically it's fermentation with few things added. It would be fun to try either.

    3. I agree, at the very minimum, it is worth trying just for the experience alone, I think I am going to look into it

  3. I love the pictures! I saved a poor frog yesterday morning that had jumped into our goat's bucket of water. So glad I saw him. He was exhausted from swimming and could not get out. He rested and then disappeared. I would gladly share our fruit with the bugs, if only our trees would produce fruit.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, and I am very happy that you like the pictures. Yeah, the toads love the cow bowl, it's large, and very wide-lipped so it's pretty easy for them to climb on the lip or the board that goes across one side. There are at least 3 toads of a similar size in the bowl that I've seen, but I don't mind them at all, non-aggressive (to me) and they eat annoying bugs like mosquitos, so I like having them around. The one I took a photo here really likes that particular spot on the lip, he's there pretty much every day in some position.
