Monday, July 4, 2016

Elderberry and Traps

So, I took some more pictures of one of the quite a few spouts of Elderberry bushes we have, because I think the flowering on them looks very nice
 And these are the actual Elderberries, or, at least what will become them if they grow long enough.  Elderberries are used quite often in pies, jellies, and even wines for their unusual taste.  However, caution must be used as all parts of the Elderberry plant are considered toxic, according to the LSUA Agriculture Center   Source Links to LSUA Ag PDF at LSUA site :

 This poor wasp here got caught in a really big web, that spanned a good 7 or 8 feet from the ground to a tree branch, I assume it was made by a very tenacious spider, as the web at that location has been destroyed at least twice during mowing, but it keeps putting it back up.   This time I decided to pay honor to the tenacity of the insect and left the web alone and just didn't mow that patch of grass at all.
This is a very small pink flower, the Shameplant, known by many names, such as the Touch-me-not, or the Tickle-me, 'The Sensitive Plant' is a plant which will actually move and respond to touching, though it's only similar to a muscular reflex, and not actual conscious response.

 This butterfly here is known as a Black Swallowtail, a member of the Dark Swallowtail group, consisting of this kind and 3 other types.  It is, to the best of my knowledge, a male. Swallowtails tend to fly higher and move faster than some other types of butterflies.  They tend towards hosting with members of the Carrot family, such as hemlock (very poisonous, caution is recommended), Bishopweed, and Roughfruit Scaleseed.

 Which of the pictures do you think was the best or your favorite?   Personally, I liked the first Elderberry one the best, Elderberry is just a very photogenic plant, and looks great in pictures, in my opinion.   


  1. I like all of them. Except the one with the wasp, haha. Though that one is definitely interesting.

  2. Elderberries are great tasting jelly and wine.

    Fantastic pictures.

    1. I still haven't tried anything with it in it, but I've heard songs, games, tv shows, and movies with it, so I may have to haha. Thank you
